Coloring Create Online Uml Diagram Elegant 10 Best Uml

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Coloring Create Online Uml Diagram Elegant 10 Best Uml

In this tutorial, you see how to use JDeveloper to perform offline database development. You learn to create a logical model using a UML class diagram and transform it to a physical model. You also reverse engineer database definitions into class definitions and see the limits of the reverse process. Use the UML class diagram to model a collection of static elements such as classes and types, their contents, and relationships, as well as visually create or inspect classes, interfaces, attributes, operations, associations, generalizations and realizations.

  1. Uml Diagram Maker

Class diagrams are used for a wide variety of purposes, from high-level conceptual models to physical data models. Like other modeling artifacts data models can be used for a variety of purposes, from high-level conceptual models to physical data models. From the point of view of an object-oriented developer data modeling is conceptually similar to class modeling. With data modeling you identify entity types whereas with class modeling you identify classes.

Jan 17, 2011 - For free online diagramming there's, which I co-author. Shapes is a simple, elegant Graphing and Diagramming app for Mac. Great presentation software to show off your cool new diagrams. Answered Jan 17 '11 at 10:47. Diagramming scenarios (flowcharts, OrgCharts, UML, mindmaps etc.). Create and share simple UML diagrams in your blogs, wikis, forums, bug-trackers and emails.

Traditional data modeling is different from class modeling because it focuses solely on data – class models allow you to explore both the behavior and data aspects of your domain, with a data model you can only explore data issues. As a database designer you have been asked to create a Class diagram for modeling your database objects.

Using the UML class diagram, you create the logical model. After that, you transform the class diagram into a physical model. You discover how the transformer behaves and you create new datatypes and use stereotypes to take control over the transformer behavior. You see how to create multiple physical models depending on the database types you need to work with.

Finally, starting from the database diagram, you reverse it into a UML class diagram and observe what differences exist with the original class diagram. Purpose Duration Application In this tutorial, you use Oracle JDeveloper 11g Version 11.1.2 to create a UML class model, use stereotypes, create custom datatypes and generate database definitions. You then create a database diagram and transform it back into a Class diagram. Once loaded, the JDeveloper IDE appears. The very first time you open JDeveloper, the Start Page displays. Notice the various options available to help you learn about JDeveloper. After exploring these options, click the X on the Start Page tab to close it.

(the X appears when you mouse over the tab). You can re-invoke the Start Page later by choosing Help Start Page. In the Applications Navigator, click New Application. In the New Gallery, select General Applications and choose Database Application as the Item.

In the Create Database Application dialog, change the Application Name from Application1 to DBModeling and type oracle as the Application Package Prefix. Notice that the Directory Name automatically changes to match the new Application Name.

Then click Next. In Step 2 of the Wizard enter LogicalModel as the Project Name and select Database Modeling from the Project Features pane. Click Finish.

The Application Navigator should look like the following. When you work in JDeveloper, you organize your work in projects within applications. JDeveloper provides a number of predefined templates which enable you to create applications and projects that are configured for developing different types of applications. The templates provide the environment for the basic range of technologies supported by JDeveloper. You create your working environment by selecting the template that best fits your needs and then configuring it to add any additional technologies you intend to use.

The options available to you in the New Gallery and for some context menu operations, depend on your template selection for that application. Save your work by clicking Save All. You should save your work at regular intervals as you progress through the rest of the tutorial.

Step 2: Set the Environment for Class Model Diagrams In this section, you set preferences for the class diagram environment. You can customize the way the class diagram components appear and respond to your specific needs. To prepare the class diagram environment, perform the following steps:. Right-click the LogicalModel project in the Application Navigator and choose New from the context menu to display the New Gallery. In the New Gallery, click the All Features tab and in the Categories list, expand the General node if it is not already expanded, and select Diagrams. Then select Class Diagram from the Items list and click OK. In the Create Class Diagram dialog, change the Name to Logical Database and the Package name to logicalmodel, then click OK.

A new database diagram opens. To set some class diagram preferences, select Tools - Preferences. In the Preferences dialog, select Diagrams - Class, then in the Edit Preferences for, choose Class, and uncheck Show Operations as you are doing logical DB modeling and you don’t need operations.

In the same dialog, click the Attributes tab, and check Show Visibility and turn off Sort Alphabetically. These preferences are now set for all Class diagrams. Click the Save All button to save your work. Notice the Component Palette to the right of the diagram area. You can use the Component Palette to add classes and related elements to your class diagram. (If the Component Palette is not visible, open it by choosing View Component Palette from the main menu.).

Step 3: Create a Class Model Diagram The following image shows the classes you are about to create: Employee, Department, and Location. To create the above diagram, perform the following steps:.

In the Component Palette, select the Class component and drag and drop it it onto the diagram. Change the name to Employee.

Repeat the above operation to create 2 additional classes named Location and Department. Using 'in place' edit, add attributes to the classes. Click inside the Employee class to create an attribute placeholder, (the new item will be blue), click again to enter edit mode (don’t double click) and over-write the existing text with empno: Number. Repeat the above operation to create the attributes per the following image ( name: String, salary: Number and hours worked: Number).

Double-click within the Employee class to edit the properties. Expanding the Owned Attribute node shows the created attributes.

Expand the node of one of the attributes, for example the empno node and explore the various definable properties. Click OK to exit. In the Component Palette, click the Directed 1 to.

Association icon, then click within the Department class and keeping pressed, draw a line to the Employee class and click. Association between classes is bi-directional by default. You can define the flow of the association by using a directed association. The direction of the arrowhead identifies the container-contained relationship.

Double-click the association to open the Properties dialog and expand the Owned End node. Rename endDepartment as made up of, and rename the endEmployee as member of. Your diagram should look like the following:. Create a. to.

Association between Location and Department, and using 'in place' edit this time, rename the ends department and location. Refer the the previous steps if you need help. Using 'in place' edit, within the Location class, add 2 attributes area: String and country: String. Double-click the Department class to open the Properties dialog.

Select the Owned Attribute node and click the Add button. Select the Property option from the list. Step 4: Enhance the Class Model Employees are either full time employees or part time employees.

Hours worked only concern part time employees. You want to represent these categories of employees on your class diagram using Generalization. You see that Generalization can be represented in different ways. To enhance the diagram with categories of employees, perform the following steps:. Select Employee and resize it to enlarge the box.

From the Component Palette, add a new Class to the diagram and name it Full Time. Select the Full Time class and move it within the Employee class. Using the Generalization icon from the Component Palette, draw a line from the Full Time class to the Employee class. In UML modeling, a generalization relationship is a relationship in which one model element (the child) is based on another model element (the parent). You can add generalization relationships to capture attributes, operations, and relationships in a parent model element and then reuse them in one or more child model elements. Because the child model elements in generalizations inherit the attributes, operations, and relationships of the parent, you must only define for the child the attributes, operations, or relationships that are distinct from the parent.

The parent model element can have one or more children, and any child model element can have one or more parents. It is more common to have a single parent model element and multiple child model elements.

From the Component Palette, create a new Class on the diagram and name it Part Time. Using the Generalization icon from the Component Palette, draw a line from the Part Time class to the Employee one. The two generalizations represent the possible ways an employee may work. Employee is the generalization class for Part Time and Full Time. You can also implement this concept in a 'Database oriented representation' using subtypes within the Employee class. Even if the model can accept having a mixed representation of generalization using in and out combination, it is recommended to choose a convention ('all in' or 'all out') and stick with it consistently to make the models more readable.

Select the Part Time class and drop it within the Employee one. From the previous representation, the two subclasses within the super-class is just a visual effect. There is no semantic change to the model. In database modeling terminology these are known as two subtypes of Employee. Since only Part Time employees are concerned by the hours worked attribute, select it and drag it within the Part Time sub category.

Your diagram should now look like the following:. Select the directed association between Employee and Department, and in the property Inspector, check the Display Options: Show Name.

This displays the Association name ( Association1) on the diagram. In the property Inspector, type emps in dept as the name. Select the association between Department and Location and check the Show Name option in the property inspector. This time, using 'in place' edit, rename the association to department locations. Your diagram should now look like the following:.

Click the Save All button to save your work. Your Logical class model is defined now.

A UML diagram is a diagram based on the UML (Unified Modeling Language) with the purpose of visually representing a system along with its main actors, roles, actions, artifacts or classes, in order to better understand, alter, maintain, or document information about the system. UML is an acronym that stands for Unified Modeling Language. Simply put, UML is a modern approach to modeling and documenting software. In fact, it’s one of the most popular. It is based on diagrammatic representations of software components.

As the old proverb says: “a picture is worth a thousand words”. By using visual representations, we are able to better understand possible flaws or errors in software or business processes. UML was created as a result of the chaos revolving around software development and documentation. In the 1990s, there were several different ways to represent and document software systems.

The need arose for a more unified way to visually represent those systems and as a result, in 1994-1996, the UML was developed by three software engineers working at. It was later adopted as the standard in 1997 and has remained the standard ever since, receiving only a few updates. Before we continue, here’s a shameless plug from Amit (CEO of Tallyfy) 🙂. If you’re building software – as an API-driven platform that solves workflow problems, without needing to build basic workflow functionality from scratch. What is the use of UML? Mainly, UML has been used as a general-purpose modeling language in the field of software engineering. However, it has now found its way into the documentation of several.

For example, activity diagrams, a type of UML diagram, can be used as a replacement for flowcharts. They provide both a more standardized way of modeling workflows as well as a wider range of features to improve readability and efficacy. UML itself finds different uses in software development and business process documentation: Sketch UML diagrams, in this case, are used to communicate different aspects and characteristics of a system. However, this is only a top-level view of the system and will most probably not include all the necessary details to execute the project until the very end. Forward Design – The design of the sketch is done before coding the application.

This is done to get a better view of the system or workflow that you are trying to create. Many design issues or flaws can be revealed, thus improving the overall project health and well-being. Backward Design – After writing the code, the UML diagrams are drawn as a form of documentation for the different activities, roles, actors, and workflows. Blueprint In such a case, the UML diagram serves as a complete design that requires solely the actual implementation of the system or software. Often, this is done by using tools (Computer Aided Software Engineering Tools). The main drawback of using CASE tools is that they require a certain level of expertise, user training as well as management and staff commitment. Pseudo Programming Language UML is not a stand-alone programming language like Java, C or Python, however, with the right tools, it can turn into a pseudo programming language.

In order to achieve this, the whole system needs to be documented in different UML diagrams and, by using the right software, the diagrams can be directly translated into code. This method can only be beneficial if the time it takes to draw the diagrams would take less time than writing the actual code.

Uml Diagram Maker

Despite UML having been created for modeling software systems, it has found several adoptions in business fields or non-software systems. One practical adoption would be to visually represent the process flow for telesales through an activity diagram. From the point in which an order is taken as an input, to the point where the order is completed and a specific output is given. Types of UML Diagrams There are several types of UML diagrams and each one of them serves a different purpose regardless of whether it is being designed before the implementation or after (as part of documentation).

The two most broad categories that encompass all other types are Behavioral UML diagram and Structural UML diagram. As the name suggests, some UML diagrams try to analyze and depict the structure of a system or process, whereas other describe the behavior of the system, its actors, and its building components. The different types are broken down as follows: Behavioral UML Diagram. Structural UML Diagram. Not all of the 14 different types of UML diagrams are used on a regular basis when documenting systems and/or architectures. The seems to apply in terms of as well – 20% of the diagrams are being used 80% of the time by developers. The most frequently used ones in software development are: Use Case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams.

Coloring Create Online Uml Diagram Elegant 10 Best Uml

Activity Diagram Activity diagrams are probably the most important UML diagrams for doing. In software development, it is generally used to describe the flow of different activities and actions. These can be both sequential and in parallel. They describe the objects used, consumed or produced by an activity and the relationship between the different activities. All the above are essential in business process modeling. A process is not focused on what is being produced but rather on the set of activities that lead to one the other and how they are interconnected, with a clear beginning and end. The example above depicts the set of activities that take place in a content publishing process.

In a business environment, this is also referred to as. The main actors are the author, the editor and the publisher. In the diagram, you can see how the diamond shape is used to describe processes that require branching or repetitive processes, i.e: loops. In this example, one of the loops happens when the reviewer is reviewing the draft and decides that some changes need to be done. The author then revises the draft and pushes it down the pipeline again, for the review to analyze.

Use Case Diagram A cornerstone part of the system is the that the system fulfills. Use Case diagrams are used to analyze the system’s. These requirements are expressed through different use cases. We notice three main components of this UML diagram:. Functional requirements – represented as use cases; a verb describing an action. Actors – they interact with the system; an actor can be a human being, an organization or an internal or external application.

Relationships between actors and use cases – represented using straight arrows The example below depicts the use case UML diagram for an inventory management system. In this case, we have the owner, the supplier, the manager, the inventory clerk and the inventory inspector. Within the circular containers, we express the actions that the actors perform. Such actions are: purchasing and paying for the stock, checking stock quality, returning the stock or distributing it. As you might have noticed, use case UML diagrams are good for showing dynamic behaviors between actors within a system, by simplifying the view of the system and not reflecting the details of implementation. Interaction Overview Diagram Interaction Overview UML diagrams are probably some of the most complex ones. So far we have explained what an activity diagram is.

Additionally, within the set of behavioral diagrams, we have a subset made of four diagrams, called Interaction Diagrams:. Interaction Overview Diagram. Timing Diagram. Sequence Diagram. Communication Diagram So, the interaction overview diagram is an activity diagram made of different interaction diagrams.

Let’s say that it is a mix of activity diagrams with interaction diagrams, however, most websites like to regard them as specialized activity diagrams. What this means is that you can use most annotations that are used within an activity diagram, with the addition of elements such as interaction, interaction use, time constraint, duration etc The example above shows how UML diagrams can be used to describe the dynamic behavior of a system, the structural organization, and interaction among objects. All of this, while considering the time and order in which events happen, thus keeping an eye on the sequence of events and message flows. The diagram has a starting and ending point, just like any activity diagram. Then, on a top-level view it depicts interactions and interaction uses through the use of the rectangular frames. Within the interactions (rectangular frames), we have included a complete stand-alone sequence diagram, containing three main actors: the assistant, the middleware reporting system and the inspector.

Once the sequence of actions is completed, the flow state branches out and either repeats the previous interaction or moves on to a new interaction and then ends the flow. Timing diagram Timing UML diagrams are used to represent the relations of objects when the center of attention rests on time. We are not interested in how the objects interact or change each other, but rather we want to represent how objects and actors act along a linear time axis. Each individual participant is represented through a lifeline, which is essentially a line forming steps since the individual participant transits from one stage to another.The main focus is on time duration of events and the changes that occur depending on the duration constraints.

Coloring Create Online Uml Diagram Elegant 10 Best Uml